

The following are private links to scanned copies of the Clymer manual for the Suzuki VS700-800 Intruder from 1985 to 1994. The images were scanned from my personal copy of the manual and are intended for my use only, should I be stranded away from home where the manual stays. Should you happen upon this page, please respect the copyright on this material. Buy a copy of the manual. It is well worth every penny.

Chapter 8: Electrical System
300     Fan Motor Thermo Switch
302    Thermo Sensor

Chapter 9: Liquid Cooling System
311    Radiator and Fan Assembly exploded view
314    Thermostat and Housing
316    Water pump (and Diag 21 for thermostat testing)

Chapter 15: Wiring Diagrams
436-437    1992-On VS800 (U.S. and Canada)