G-man's Garage
Home About WoodWorking Tractors Trucks For Sale Bikes


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I apologize for all the advertising junk. A guy who wants a web site these days has two choices: pay for a service without ads, or be a cheap so-and-so and get a freebie with ads. Guess you can figure out which group I am a card-carrying member of. 

Feel free to browse around and see everything that's here. 

AN00022A.gif (2030 bytes) Explore what's new:

There is a new "For Sale" section. Check it out for some great stuff at great prices!

I've rearranged the garage. Hopefully it's easier to get around now. As always, watch out for oil spots or tools laying about.

PE02086A.gif (1977 bytes)News:

Nothing newsworthy at the moment, but there's a doozy of an announcement coming!

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Drop me a line with comments/suggestions: grinehart@pns.anl.gov

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